Congratulations on being selected for the Maison Meritage trip! Your dedication has earned you this.
Thank you!
This is your opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture and history of the country that inspires everything we do. Make it count.
What am I going to be doing while I am there?
You are there to support the tour by Maison Meritage - this is a branch of development that Desta has been working on since 2018. There is a team in France that you will meet and work with.
We will be hosting at least one tour group per trip, sometimes there will be multiple. You will be asked to support the tours in many varied ways. From helping with luggage, to driving, to prepping food, to cleaning up after an event, to preparing a presentation - there are many ways you will learn and have direct exposure to French culture. You are likely to receive a direct assignment you will accomplish while in-country. You are also likely to receive a class or training seminar on a professional aspect of your own professional development - these are determined for the individual staff member(s) traveling with us, and vary from trip to trip.
You are expected to look for ways to assist and help out, while also having a schedule to follow and an event or two to work while we are in France.
This is NOT vacation for you. This is professional development and cultural enrichment. The expectation is that you will prepare for your travels; learn a little French (you will be invited to a language application we would like to the use daily for 90 days prior to departure), talk about the trip with friends, family & guests at Meritage (this builds anticipation and buzz) which ultimately will keep these trips going.
What about packing for the trip?
You will be given one (1) Maison Meritage suitcase for the trip, which you will be required to use for your travels. They are 24in hardcase wheelers that allow us to control for size and weight of luggage, as we will be traveling with two vehicles, and we need to ensure all luggage and guests will fit within the facilities we have for the trip.
You may bring one carry-on bag of your choice as well, we recommend a backpack or similar light-weight option. We will be in planes, trains, automobiles, so we need you to pack smart & be nimble. This is a hallmark of European travel.
As far as clothing, we always visit during the shoulder seasons, so the temps are generally between 50-70 degrees. It is very rainy in Bordeaux, as it rains more there than Seattle. So, be mindful of this with shoe selection in particular.
We recommend thinking about your dressing in layers. Click here for a recommended packing checklist.
How am I being paid for this?
Beyond just the experience itself, you are also compensated through use of your PTO for any shifts missed while you were away. In addition, as part of the trip, guests are offered virtual tip jars, and it has been common and expected that the guests will also tip staff for their experiences as well.
Will I have any time on my own?
For the most part, you will have your time directed to you. The staff for the trips stay together, off-premise, in our own apartment in Bordeaux and Paris, and our own country house (10 Mauvilla, 33350 Civrac-de-Dordogne, France). You will have your own bedroom there. The apartments may require you to bunk with another staff member. Each trip is different.
You will have a few hours here and there at different locations. If you want to go do your own thing in particular, you will need to ask permission and be released to do so. For the most part, staff are required to be there to support the needs of the guests, while also having their own experience. You will have a pretty incredible time, trust us.
What else should I know?
These are friends and colleagues of Desta’s in France. It is expected that you will treat all with respect and deference, as they are there to teach you too.
Soak up and learn all you can.
Bring some money for incidentals & souvenirs.
We will have daily pastry/bread in the morning (aka: petit dej) everyday
We will likely eat at least one meal with our groups per day.
We will likely return to our own country house and prepare a couple fresh meals together as staff (while guests are enjoying a restaurant) from the local marché, as this is part of our learning and exposure to culture.
You may order alcohol in keeping with those around you. If your French hosts and the rest of team are not drinking alcohol, it is the expectation that you will not either. If you have a question about a circumstance, or something you would really like to try - always ask.
As far as cannabis use, it is still illegal in France.
You can expect that we will be “working” by 10:30h each day, to facilitate the trip. We will be concluded and back to residence most evenings by 22:00h, so the days are extended and full of activities and experiences - most you will be able to enjoy yourself too. And, Desta always takes a moment to bring visiting staff on special detours to see once-in-a-lifetime type destinations as well.